
„He is an extremly versatile player and composer;wellschooled in the tradition of jazz, and also in it`s more universal applications. I recommend him most highly.“
John Abercrombie / Topstar der globalen Jazz-Scene

„Roland has great technical prowess, excellent compositonal skills and developed his own unique voice as a guitarist“
Mick Goodrick, Lehrer von Pat Metheny u.v.a.

„[…] Looking for models, one strikes gold above all in the area of jazz, which – thanks to the innovative work of Nordic musicians like Nils Petter Molvær or Bugge Wesseltoft – seems to have got rid of its image of ”not dead but with a strange smell”. However, one does not have to turn towards Scandinavia. Also in our own country, one can find young jazz musicians whose work gladdens even a keyboarder’s heart: For example, the guitarist Roland Gebhardt. Indeed, Roland Gebhardt is a potential idol for coming generations of (not only) guitarists. This fact is proven by his first record with the music-label MOOD Records. Gebhardt is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music and has been pupil in the master class of Pat Metheny’s teacher Mick Goodrick. Gebhardt’s immensely fluent solo-lines and his sound, which reminds us a little of Volker Kriegel but is unmistakably Gebhardt’s own refined tone, are amazing […]. A fine, mature album. Awfully good!“
Albrecht Pitz/ Keyboards, German professional music magazine about ”Lazy Days” by Ro Gebhardt &Band, CD of the month 10/2000

„I have performed with Roland on mumerous occasions in Boston and have found him to be an inspiring soloist with a great talent for comping also. To me, he is a nature and most deserving jazz artist.“
Hal Crook/ Topstar der globalen Jazzeducation-Scene

„His conception, sound, touch, time feel, and jazz vocabulary put him in the top 5% of all students with whom I have worked.“
Rick Peckham, chair of the guitar departement of the Berklee College of Music

„Roland Gebhardt is an experienced musician who now with „Lazy Days“ without doubt has managed to play in the first row of European jazz-guitarists. Intelligent dealing with the tradition of standards, virtuoso lines, a terse sound and outstanding fellow musicians let this CD be an event for the listener. Even strolls to pop-jazz turn out to be full of atmosphere, expressive and never too smooth. Absolutely excellent.“
„Gitarre & Bass“ 08/2000

„faszinierte in der tat mit Ungewöhnlichem“ Frankfurter Rundschau
„Ausnahmemusiker in hinreißendem Dialog“  Seenland Schau
„Alleine für die Zugabe hatte sich das Kommen gelohnt“  Festival Vaihingen
„Spielen mit dem Publikum“ Festival Arnstadt
„Der kreative Gitarrenzauberer“ Rheinpfalz
„Gitarrenakrobatik“ SZ
„Zeigte sich von seiner Schokoladenseite“ Festival St.Ingbert
„Verliebt in jede Kleinigkeit“ Rheinpfalz
„Ausufernde Spielfreude und grossartige Dynamik“ Euroclassic Festival
„Ro Gebhardt and Band punkten in Berlin“ Jazz in den Ministergärten Festival
„Ein Abend, der das Publikum in Atem hielt“ Rheinpfalz
„Virtuosität und Ideenvielfalt“ Presse Villingen
„Eine tolle Ausstrahlung“ Sonneberg Festival
„Kunstvolles Spiel auf solidem Fundament“ Festival Mainz
„Der Meister verblüfft seine Schüler“ Festival Aalen
„Grandioses Feeling und grosse Stilvielfalt“ Festival Fulda
„Ein exzellenter, hochsympathischer Gitarrist. Ein grosser Musikant“ Jazzpodium
„Mit souveräner Klarheit, klanglicher Vielfalt und abwechslungsreicher Dynamic“ Kammgarn Kaiserlautern
„fulminante Spielkunst“ Kölner Rundschau
„ungemein spannungsreich und witzig“ Murrhardter Zeitung
„der meister der improvisation überzeugt mit vielseitigkeit und atem,beraubender fingerfertiggkeit“ general-anzeiger
„ die seelen der zuhörer gestreichelt“ rhein-sieg-rundschau
„geniale one-man-show“ SZ
„excellent performances“ Steve Swallow
„Meister seines Fachs“ Jazzpodium
„goes down like velvet“ Cadence
„traumhaft virtuos“ Gitarre&Bass
„Hymnische, melodiensatte Kompositionen“ Rheinpfalz
„eindrucksvolle Visitenkarte“ Jazzzeit
„Souverän und unverschämt locker“ SZ
„erste Liga europäischer Jazz-Gitarristen“ Keyboards
„extrapfiffig“ Audio